Out On Bond? 3 Things You Must Do


Bail bonds offer a way for individuals who have been arrested to obtain their freedom while awaiting trial. Many people are unable to come up with the cash needed to pay their bail amount in full.

Bail bond agencies accept a percentage of the total bail, then put up the rest themselves with the assurance that the arrested individual will appear in court. Once the court appearance is made, the money is returned to the bail bond agency and the percentage you have paid becomes profit.

There are some things that you must do while you are out on bail to avoid jeopardizing your freedom while awaiting your court date.

1. Continue Working as Normal

You may be tempted to forego attending work so that you can focus on preparing for your upcoming court case. It is critical that you resist this temptation. You want the court to see that you are continuing to be a productive member of society.

Going to work each day will help show that you are responsible, and it will help you generate the income that you need to pay your legal fees. Attorneys and bail bond companies alike will advise you to continue working as normal while you are out of jail on a bond.

2. Obtain Permission to Travel

Despite popular belief, most people who are awaiting a court date can travel while they are out of jail on a bond. Unless the court has issued travel limitations because they deem you to be a flight risk, there is nothing stopping you from going on a family vacation or traveling for work.

It is important that you contact your bail bondsman and obtain his or her permission to travel. You want the bondsman to know that you will be home in plenty of time for your court date, and you want to leave contact information for the duration of your stay in case the bondsman needs to speak with you.

Obtaining permission will help you avoid the possibility of having your bail bondsman think you skipped bail.

3. Update Contact Information

A bail bond agency needs to have current contact information for you on file while you are out on bond.

If you move to a new location, get a new phone, or switch to a different email address, you must notify your bondsman of these changes. That way the bail bond company will know how to reach you to discuss the terms of your bond in the future.


1 July 2019

Understanding Loan Terms And Financing

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