How To Get Bailed Out Of Jail Even If You Have A High Bail


Getting arrested and put in jail on any charge is not something most people want to experience, but if it happens, it is important that you know what to expect and how to get out of jail until your trial. Depending on the crime, you may have to come up with a large bail or be held over without bail, so be prepared for that possibility as well.


The first thing that has to happen before even addressing the bail is an arraignment hearing. You will likely stay in jail until the hearing, and then the jail will transport you to court. The judge will consider the charges, listen to the arguments from both attorneys, and then set your bail. Once the bail is set, you will have to go back to the jail and make the arrangements for release there. 

Raising Bail

If the bail in your case is low and you have the money to put up, you can choose to do that. In most cases, the bail is set high enough that you can't just pay it out of your pocket, so calling a bail bond company is the best option. A bail bondsman will come and meet with you at the jail to talk about your bail.

The bond company does not have to take you on as a client, so it is important that you listen to what they have to say and be agreeable to the terms set for your bail period. If the bondsman thinks you are a flight risk, they will not take you on as a client and you will sit in jail until trial. If they take you on, they will post the bail to get you released.

Follow the Rules

If the bondsman or bond company takes you on as a client, they will set some rules for you to follow. In many cases, check-ins with the bondsman are required and it could be as often as weekly or even daily check-ins. Do not miss these check-ins because they may interpret that as you hiding from them. If the bondsman thinks there is a possibility that you are violating bail in any way, they will return you to jail and revoke your bail.

When your trial date comes up, be sure to appear in court. If you do not show up, the judge will issue a warrant for your arrest and the bondsman will start looking for you to revoke your bail, return you to jail, and get their money back.  


27 June 2019

Understanding Loan Terms And Financing

A few years back, I really started thinking about my financial future. I thought long and hard about how to go about handling various things, and someone told me that I needed to do something to get out of the hole. I started thinking about how to manage my money a little better, but I knew that I needed to start by getting a loan. I found a really fantastic loan that would work for what I needed, and after I got it, I felt great about the terms. After using it to pay off some of my debts, my monthly payments were much more manageable. Find out more about loans on this website.